Astroessence Testimonials

Below you will find spontaneous words of delight, appreciation, insight and success from Astroessence clients past and present. I know how important trust is in the internet world where we may never meet face to face. My professional goal is to support my clients’ journey with confidence.

Ziporah Hildebrandt


“I felt like an onion skin peeled off…with warm feelings where before there was fear and doubt.”

Artist, Amherst, MA


“I’ve been raving about our successes with flower essences!”

Mother of child with ADHD, Whately, MA


“I really love your letter…it’s filled with wisdom with many things for me to go back to and contemplate. I can’t tell you the changes that I have experienced during the past month… My posture has changed; it feels like my entire body is realigning. And I’m losing weight.”

Office Worker, San Diego, CA

“Flower essences helped him integrate [medication], it was incredible…I am in awe of the power of these essences.”

Mother of child with asthma, Northampton, MA

“Not only did it arrive safely, but it has helped very much. I will recommend your essences in future. Thank you for what you do.”

Therapist, Colorado


“These particular flower essences have moved me in profound ways in my emotional and spiritual life.”

Abuse Survivor, Norwich, VT


“I feel so alive! Taking flower essences is a special part of my day.”

Retired, Wayne, PA


“You always ask the hardest questions, with guidance of course, to help clear the murk. You have gone deep…way deep. There’s so much there. So much rings true. The first read through brought tears. Personally, I wonder how you begin to put a price on your wisdom and know whatever it is, it isn’t enough.”

Photographer, San Diego, CA


“Thank you for an interesting and helpful conversation…I am very excited!”

Student, Rochester, NH

“I am feeling some wonderful things happening! 🙂  Difficult, but it’s progress, which is WONDERFUL.”

Parent of Adopted Child with Learning Delays, Midwest

“[The flower essence combination] fills gaps, like things missing, things you had all along but didn’t know it.”

Tile Installer, Worcester, MA


“Got home late last night, exhausted, and incredibly drained from the week.… Then, I tried the flower essence which was waiting for me in the mail, and I just slept better than I have in ages and woke up with a greater sense of wellness than I’ve felt in a long time.”

Magazine Editor, New York, NY


“Thanks so much for the essences! I feel they’ve opened a doorway that’s simultaneously important to my own healing and the healing work that I’m meant to do (that I’d shelved).”

Shop Owner, Southern California


“The pain is gone.”

Immigrant, Boston, MA


“I was so happy I received my order yesterday – WOW 🙂 It was like Christmas (only better)! It just made me so happy. I have been having extreme fatigue and used the Aura, Clear Knowing and Lymph Clear starting yesterday and I feel amazing went on a great long moderate walk with my husband. I feel so blessed to find your amazing healing products.”

Etsy Customer, Washington State

“oh ziporah! i rec. my package just yesterday and took my essences immediately before bed and then again this morning. i know it has not even been 24 hours, but the shift has been quite profound and i could not hold off writing to tell you any longer! xoxo  i have not felt depressed today, usually at some point in the day i would nap a very good portion of the day away. i feel an overall hopefulness and balance about myself. i have a feeling i will be speaking to you again very soon! :)”

Grateful, Southern California


“I am so very touched by what you have sent me, both the essences and all the information. I am deeply encouraged…The daily remedy feels strong and wonderful… I really appreciate the jaw healing…Thanks again with all my heart–I am feeling and observing synchronicities and new levels of awareness… This combination feels so lively and so mighty!… How deeply I appreciate the profound level of your work–you have added such a happy dimension to my life. I ache to know how I can thank you adequately your love just shines through every word… Honestly you are just amazing…you really hit the nail on the head… Major clearing going on, and I am so grateful about that… I am beginning to open to and love my strange world…I read and re-read what you write. It is so full of information and love…”

Therapist, Southern California


“I started taking Inner Physician and Dream Healer together (drops on the tongue several times a day). Almost from the first night of being on these essences, I had a series of vivid, revelatory dreams. I’ve been on them for almost two weeks and am gaining so much insight into my health; and am having very vivid, pearls-of-wisdom-dropping dreams. Little by little, I’m getting more much needed clarity on my life.

“In the first four dreams while on your essences, I was given the names of four Bach remedies—one per night—as yet unbeknown to me in waking reality. I’d awaken with the name of the remedy in my head, would then go and look it up, and sure enough, it was befitting to me. I felt elated each time this happened, and so perfectly instructed after looking up the remedy. Also, I was led to a number of books on spiritual healing (after I thought I’d pretty much read ’em all by now!), which are really speaking to me.

“After about 10 days of being on your remedies, I incorporated two Bach essences. I continued to have instructive dreams, though more geared toward my marriage and work than my specific health issues, per se. However, I know that my bodily expressions are a “metaphor” for my thoughts, emotions, experiences, etc.; thus, I understand that what’s needed to improve my work or my marriage, for ex., will also improve my physical health.

“Regarding my work, I’ve felt particularly stalemated. Stuck. Those feelings are also applicable to my marriage. Trapped. Accordingly, I began to receive fresh new ideas for work that stir my passions. I’d awaken with these ideas on my mind. I’m not clear on any “how-tos” as yet, but I’m at least feeling hopeful again. As for my marriage, cliche though it may be, I am now better able to “let go and let God,” which is freeing!

“I’ve received much in these last few weeks, and think that now is the time to propel these ideas into motion. In sum, I am grateful for your flower essences.”

Artist, Los Angeles, California


“I just wanted to let you know that I’ve burned through the essences and they were amazing. I’ve been very sick with Celiac disease and Ataxia this year, and, although I’ve gotten much better, I’ve had some scary symptoms I couldn’t get rid of, even after a year of full-time, try-everything healing. I had to stop driving and was practically homebound (again!) for the last 2 months. Just when I was about to give up and accept that I could never be fully healthy, I bought your essences. The moment I took them, I felt at peace, my persistent, lifelong neurological problems faded away, and my neck became more relaxed–which is something that over 40 cranio-sacral sessions couldn’t do for me.  I was also able to remember my past lives and start healing from them, and I now feel well and focused enough to meditate and do energy work on myself. My practitioner saw me the other day and said, “You look amazing! Whatever you’re doing, just keep doing it!” I just ordered some more, and I’m going to pick up some for her for Christmas. I can’t thank you enough!”

 Los Angeles, CA 

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