Unlocking Brain Lock

I’m reading Brain Lock: Free Yourself from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, by psychiatrist Jeffrey Schwartz. This book is rare in the way it combines information about the brain with how to change the brain. Though it doesn’t go into the brain the way I do with awareness (what else is possible?), it does provide names of specific brain areas along with information about what studies have shown these areas to relate to in our daily awareneness and behaviors. Names of places are ususally enough to use awareness to locate and communicate with whoever is there.

Especially in this case, the brain areas are those key in OCD and related conditions such as Tourette’s and Parkinson’s. These are considered “brain disorders” which is a term I would choose over Annie Hopper’s (Dynamic Neural Retraining System) “limbic impairment.” Lots of things are disordered in this reality, and there is no judgement implicit in disorder, it just is. (I mean, look at my desk…why judge myself about what happens while I’m having fun?) Impairment, however, implies damage and/or wrongness and/or lack, limitation, incapacity. My brain is doing its best (and so is yours), thank you very much! We can re-order our brains, reorganize them, restore them to an order that works better for us. It’s our choice how we’d like our brains to be organized! They are organs, which are living tissues with their own functionality as lifeforms. The root “org” is also part of organism. One of the properties of lifeforms is being self-organizing in many ways. “Org” is of course also the root in orgasm, which is the energy of new life creation.

I discovered Brain Lock while checking out DNRS. A neighbor loaned me one of the DVDs, and I recently met for the first time a long-time email/phone aquaintence who had used DNRS to heal her Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS). I was intrigued, sensing possibilities for integrating my own knowing and experiences in new ways. Both of these methods use a multi-pronged, awareness-based approach utilizing a series of steps to retrain yourself and your brain. These steps are also what occurs in Access Consciousness! How does it get any better than that?

The Observer/Witness consciousness stops thought/time in the present moment, before automatic reactions/behaviors occur. This is when we can ask questions such as “What is this? Can I change this? What else is possible?” With awareness of what is, and the quantum field opening to new possibilities, we more easily make new, different choices. Making different choices in response to familiar situations changes the brain’s neural paths. Each new different choice makes it easier and easier to make more new different choices, and widens the area of neural change. Cool! How does it get even better than that?

Each step of the Brain Lock process corresponds to AC processes and tools. This isn’t “why” AC works; it’s one of the ways we change in response to consciousness, awareness, and living in the question.

Learning about this has brought my brain into my awareness in a new way. When I use AC tools and clearings, and Patrick Arden McNally’s wonderful new RICH clearing, I now often choose to include awareness of the limbic and cognitive areas of my brain. Sometimes I can feel it changing….

Since the brain is basically an organ for describing and making sense of our perceptions, our reality is what we perceive it to be. Consensus reality is what a whole bunch of us agree reality is. How funky is that, when what we’re agreeing to is based on a zillion generations of limited interpretations of what can be?

Who else is ready for something different? Something new? Expanded possibilities?

Happy New Eon, World!!!




Glorious new days ahead for Earth, humans, and all our swimming, flying, oozing, wriggling, 2-footed, 4-footed, 6- and 8- and multitudinous-foooted relatives on this yummy planet!

Do you sense it? the inrushing energy of the new? the flushing out of the old, the last 26,000 years rinsing away.


Buy New Essences Now

I am delighted with the addition of a shopping cart feature on this blog! You can now purchase a bottle of the latest flower essence right from the post that describes it. What else is possible?

You can view your shopping cart in the lower right sidebar. PayPal handles the transaction. You can use a credit card or your PayPal account. I’ve been using PayPal with confidence on astroessence.com for years. The shopping cart on this blog and on that site are not connected. If you end up ordering from both the same day I’ll make adjustments around the shipping and so on.

I’ll send you a “thank you” bottle of Divine Plan with any order from here until the end of this month,  this year…this phenomenal year!Red berries of euonymous, Burning Bush, in winter

Blessings to you this amazing December 2012!

My New Kindle Book’s Free Promotion Days!

Tomorrow and Saturday, Nov. 16 & 17, my new Kindle book will be FREE for you to download. If you're interested in why I'd give my book away, see my publishing blog, HeartflowerBooks.wordpress.com. See that post also if you're not sure how to write a review.
Please please please write a review on amazon! Thank you, you are blessed by the flower devas! Click on the image to go to the amazon page.

Uninstaller Essence

Gnarled stump coated with brick-red fungus or lichen, with glass bowl contianing water perched in it.We're implanted, programmed, and boxed by energetic patterns, meshs, ties, structures that resemble a vast multi-dimensional house of cards held in place on the quantum level by emotional and mental charges that build on one another and plug in to existing energetic structures that are inherited, that surround our planet and beyond. Think of an operating system in your computer. Your computer can't run without it. It takes up lots of space in your computer, organizes all your data, controls what you can and can't do, and lots more. Mostly invisibly. We call it "reality" because we experience it as so real. Yet it is not, it is all created, all illusory. A lot of this stuff gets installed in us as infants, just like installing software. Except there's no handy search function to track the suckers down! We get programmed to react and emote and think and almost everything else we think we are and do. We're beings--we're not thinkings, doings, emotings, reactings. We're BEings. We are capable of all those other -ings, since we're infinite, and have infinite choice and creativity. We can play with all those energies and structures when we are BEing. Mostly we aren't Being though, instead, we are bounced around in the house of cards like mice in a maze. Yesterday while rambling in the forest, I came across a stump with a deep brick-red growth on it. I haven't identified it as either fungus or lichen. So it's the Uninstaller Essence. That's what it does. It fills us from the inside and pushes out the installations holding all the invisible crap in place. The deva showed me a drill bit going backwards, disappearing, as though backing out of a hole and taking everything with it. The stump, as you may see in the photo, has a cavity in which I was able to perch the bowl to make the essence. In order to propagate mushrooms on logs, a hole is drilled into the log and a wooden plug already saturated with fungal mycelium is pounded in. Installed. This is what this essence reverses. It pushes out the plug, pushes out the installations. It uninstalls the limiting, controlling, operating system of consensus reality.

New Essences: Wolf’s Milk Slime & Bitter Bolete

Wolf's Milk essence is made by etheric infusion of a slime mold, Lycogala epidendrum. This was a first! It was dark in the woods, an overcast day, so I didn't get a good photo. Here's a nice photo of Wolf's Milk with the bright pink color and glossy globes. Read briefly about slime molds at Dr.Augies blog September 24. The very next day, the bright pink was a mysterious dusky mauve-purple, and the globes had hardened. They continue to darken to near black in the next few days. These are excellent signatures for this essence. The Wolf's Milk essence dissolves vibrational patterns of impactions: sensory impacts from sound, light, odors, and other people's beliefs and points of view that shock us out of being infinite space and energy, and into solidity. Ouch! Then we create more solidity around the impactions. When I met this slime mold in the forest a few weeks ago, I didn't know it was a slime mold. I'd encountered slime molds as slow-moving sheets, not bright pink globules. I hadn't read about impactions yet either, so I didn't have that word. I held my hands near it, not touching, as the energy emanating from it was so strong. I sat with it for quite awhile, as it had a lot of healing for me, especially around birth and pre-natally. I experienced intensity around the vulnerability and fragility of our biological forms, not just physical vulnerability from violence, war, injury and so on; also the violence we can experience in our subtle bodies, and our emotional, mental, spiritual selves. I used the Emotion Code to clear this as it came up, a lot of horror and love unreceived. Once the deva was working with me, I found a more comfortable spot nearby to sit while all this was happening. Then I returned to the log to thank the being, and for closure. This time, I lightly touched one of the globules, which I'd thought was a fungus, and thought would be substantive like a mushroom. Instead, the globule instantly oozed to goosh, reminding me of brains. (Another name for this slime mold is Pink Toothpaste.) I didn't have my essence making equipment with me at the time. I made notes about what I'd experienced, and kept an eye out for another Wolf's Milk, which I encountered the other day much closer to home. Reading in the reference notes for F/L1 today, I ran across the impactions information.
  Bitter Bolete This mushroom, Tylopilus felleus, has the interesting property of being so bitter in taste it is inedible to most people. Individuals who do not perceive bitter tastes, however, enjoy eating it! Most mushrooms have gills beneath their caps. Boletes have pores, the spore-producing surface under the cap resembling a sponge as they mature. Many of them are choice edibles. None are deadly poisonous, though some will cause intense gastric distress temporarily. I didn't get a good photo of this one, so here's a link to Bitter Bolete photo. You can see the pore surface is pinkish, and the markings on the stalk. Note the areas of pores where slugs have been feeding, obviously this is a treat to them. The deva revealed it's healing attribute as beingness; though we exist currently in physical form, and perceive ourselves in a conditioned world with conditioned mind, our true nature is beingness, which is unaffected by that. I've added this essence to my Access the Infinite combination, which you can purchase on my etsy shop. This combination also contains the parchment fungi essences Zap! and Ears of the Forest, from previous posts. One of these days I'll get to figuring out how to add a "buy" button right to these posts! What else is possible?

New Essence: Purple Crust Dissolves Supermind

Purple Crust fungus essence is mind-boggling, literally. Pulses of source energy, high frequency, entered my body through my hand touching it, pulses dissolving something...what? I just relaxed into it, allowed and received it...big, it dissolves something big--reality. What reality? Not material, not mental--the best that came to me was a phrase my Bars-buddy Johanna used when she came back from Rikka Zimmerman's Toronto 5-day: "unsubscribe from this reality." A section of fallen pine branch coated with light to medium purple, with a lighter area in the middle almost white, looking like a splash of thick paint. This etherically infused fungus essence dissolves the "supermind" of ordinary reality & reboots to a different choice That's what Purple Crust essence does even more, not just unsubscribe. It dissolves the compulsions, the connections, the hooks. Like a total reboot of our OS to upgrade to the New Earth crystalline "grid." I so dislike that word, grid, it's so rigid! My perception of this informational/energy level is that it flows, bends, it's more like a spiderweb flexing in the wind, than an urban grid of numbered streets that gets gridlocked with traffic. That's what folks call it so I'm mentioning it here, and then I'm calling it the golden crystalline net. Matrix is actually a beautiful word for it, as its root is mother, which Earth is. Matrix has been coopted by the movie though, in which it means something sinister. I digress! Purple Crust essence dissolves the old paradigm reality structure in our body-mind field. Then we can choose what we'd like, either to replace that with the New Earth matrix-web-net, or to live free in the question of infinite being. Then I started reading my newly purchased and printed-out pages of the Access Consciousness reference notes for Foundation/Level 1, all 388 pages. And thank you to flower essence customer Linda Harrison for clueing me in to the existence of this amazing material! There's a whole section, pages and pages and pages of explanation and clearings, on the supermind. A couple pages into it I perceived that this supermind is what the Purple Crust essence dissolves. How does it get any better than that? I love the synchronicity of making an essence and writing my descriptions about the deva's communications, and then finding more words for it in a book or poem, movie or song, or AC reference notes. Check out the awesomeness of how this essence came to me: my husband is planning to buy a motorcycle. He's ordered a shed for the motorcycle. The shed is going to go next to our driveway, where we planted some rhododendrons last year (or maybe the year before--can I remember? is it relevant?) Tromping through the woods, I scouted new locations for the rhododendrons. I cleared away branches we'd tossed there, and that had fallen in a recent storm. This essence literally fell from the sky at my feet. Suddenly I saw purple. (Remember the passage from the novel and movie, about seeing the color purple in a field, and how that lifted the protagonist out of everyday reality?) Purple on a fallen branch. I'd never seen that before. I picked up the branch in wonder. This wasn't just purplish, or lavenderish, this was purple. Purple is an unusual color in the fungus realm. There are some purple mushrooms. This isn't a mushroom, it's a crust fungus. This sounds like what it is: a fungus that grows along a surface so it appears there's this crust layer of fungus over it. For those of you who are grossed out by fungoid subjects, please be enlightened: fungi growing in the forest are totally different from mold that grows in your veggie drawer or bathroom or wherever. Molds of this type inhabit areas of stagnant, low energy. Their presence is the universe telling you to make a shift in the energy in that area. Forest fungi are particular about where they grow. Like wild mushrooms, they need the right kind of wood to inhabit, of a certain age and type. These fungi that I see on fallen branches have been growing high in the trees, inside branches and beneath bark exposed to light and wind and rain and snow. They spend years developing invisible mycelial networks, saturating an area of wood or earth before encountering another fungi of the same species, exchanging DNA, and fruiting. Fruiting is what it's called when threads of mycellium transform themselves into a mushroom or other shape that is visible, exposed to the outer air. Unlike plants that create flowers in order to exchange DNA with other flowers and make seeds, fungi fruit with the next generation's DNA already combined in their spores. The Purple Crust that caught my eye in the forest is shedding embryos. Purple! I am amazed each time!    
I couldn't find any purple crust fungi in my books. There's an indigo blue crust, very different color. So I don't have a Latin name for this, or even a common name. This is not unsual; close to a third of the fungi I encounter in my rambles aren't in my books. What else is possible? Purple Crust fungus essence dissolves ordinary reality attachments in the body-mind, the supermind, allowing choice and connection to the New Earth crystalline energy web. Photos shows circular purple crusts that merge on a fallen branch.  

Chemistry of Joy 2

This is cool!! Since generating the chemistry of joy in my body, huge chunks of energetic structures from infancy and childhood have been showing up and getting uncreated and destroyed. These have been BIG releases, and they've had some discomfort: low energy, nausea, vomiting, blah sorts of feelings towards life and the world. Happy to be through that! What seems to be happening is that the contrast between the background vibration and whatever else is going on has been highlighted by the brightness of the background being joy. When those foreground things are large, they cast a large shadow in the brightness of joy. This makes them easy to perceive. How does it get any better than that? And when they're gone, there's a larger field of brightness, which shows up even more, in more detail, like reading a book outside at night. At first the page is barely visible. Moving near a light shows the print, and holding it close to the light makes it readable. This popped out at me today, when I perceived that different places in my body were generating localized chemistries of their own. Riveted by this, I immediately tested to find out where and what was being generated. I found over a dozen of these mini-generating fields, such as my right arm generating the chemistry of guilt, my bladder generating the chemistry of sorrow, my left fourth toe generating the chemistry of shock. I treated these areas like walls rather than using equations. That is, asking "is my left hand generating the chemistry of bitterness?" yes "What is contributing to that?" and then releasing each one that comes up. Interestingly, most of what was being generated was not one of the emotions contributing to it. The toe generating shock had no shock as a contributor. And places that had a lot of layers changed what they were generating. A cyst that has been bugging me for years was generating the chemistry of disgust, mostly because every time I noticed it, I charged it with another layer of whatever emotion at the time. After releasing several layers, the chemistry being generated changed to fear, and then after releasing just a few layers, the chemistry of joy was generated. My right arm went through several of these shifts, from guilt, to resentment, to unsupported, to low self-esteem, to abandonment, and finally joy. Some of the layers required 20 or more repetitions of that emotion to release. A few of the layers were psychic traumas. One of the places shifted from its original chemistry to the chemistry of psychic trauma! My cat will join me as I'm using the magnet if she would like me to release something from her. I realized I can use this method on her, too, so her body is generating the chemistry of joy. How long does a body live when it's generating joy? What is possible we haven't even thought of? I found my cat was generating the chemistry of resentment--seemingly from the other animals who used to live with us. She's the only one, now, and this evening I released that and began on the generation of the chemistry of joy. Blessings to all-- Ziporah

The Chemistry of Joy

The title of this post popped into my head last week. It comes from an old Jo Dunning talk that I have on the 12 CD set Journey of Awakening. I had just completed some Emotion Code clearing and instantly recognized this was the next equation to clear. Why the chemistry of joy? Jo explained in her talk that joy is the vibration that signals our cells to respond positively with life-affirming processes in our physical bodies.  I took this to mean that whatever vibration I was currently vibrating at, my cells weren't doing that! So I checked on the Emotion Code chart for which emotion my vibration is, and not surprisingly it was worthlessness. Hans Christian King calls self-worth the last lesson of the old soul. As in, saving the hardest for last. That's been me, my friends. No more! It took me a few days to take virbrating at worthlessness to 0%, and take Generating the Chemistry of Joy from 0% to 100%. Then there was regular minor slippage for a couple days. Folks, this one feels really really nice. It's like I'm purring all the time. How does it get any better than this? Stick with me, we're going there, too! I still have some aches and pains in the bod, and I recognize that it takes time to shift decades of physical and energetic structures. Thing is, now I don't worry about them, I don't pay attention the same way, it's like--yeah, back hurts in that spot, no biggie. Joy will take care of it. Like snow melting in spring sun, it's all on its way out. Last night we had a power outage from storm winds. From my purring place, I simply perceived I had a number of points of view about power failures. (We've had couple of major outages on my December birthdays, including one that was 5 days long. After 48 hours on that one, we got a generator.) It was simply magic, using Access tools and my Hampshire College refrigerator magnet to release these by candlelight, with the warm wind and rain gusting in the trees outside. I had the back door open as the rain wasn't coming into the house. Then my daughter got home from work and we played a couple rounds of Carcasonne. She took lovely photos of our candlelit game. In both rounds, I picked the majority of the cloister tiles, and won one round by entire scoreboard (50 points). It was the purring...it was like the quantum entrainment field was guiding my tile choices, like I was massaging it. Pure magic feels really really nice. Got clear on some money stuff, the deeper self-worth stuff underlying that: check this equation out: ask "How much is my work worth per hour?" as a dollar value. I started at $58. Reminds me of the percentage of how much women are paid for the same work as men. Interesting point of view. Took a lot of Emotion Code to get this figure past $59, then suddenly it skyrocketed to infinity! Weip? Stay tuned!

When Brains Change

All this energy healing, clearing, and awareness seems to be changing my brain. I don't think the same, or talk the same, or operate the same. Each day is new and different in ways I'd not previously imagined. Some things are almost the same, with a shift in perspective, a lack of charge. A recent meeting with a few people I don't know well and/or hadn't met, discussing a potentially adversarial issue in our neighborhood, turned out far better than anyone expected. I went into this situation without investment in outcome. I used Access tools and the Emotion Code prior to the meeting to increase Potency to 100%, and decrease attachment to any agenda. The discussion went round, covered everything with no solution, started to go round again with the emotions more charged from those experiencing most threat. I was in potency, just asking what else is possible? and using the Access clearing statement whenever I perceived a particular stuck energy. I recognized that the stuck place wasn't property lines or right of ways, or anyone's intentions (everyone was on board for finding a solution). It was diesel fumes from equipment. So I asked about the possibility of a mitigation device for the equipment--no dice on that. My question did derail my heavily invested neighbor from the round and round to instead contribute the awesome suggestion of using biodiesel. A quick phone call to a local supplier put the price in the realm of consideration, and a few weeks later, biodiesel was successfully in use. Everyone's happy! How does it get any better than that? What else is possible?