Flint Corn, Moonbeam Coreopsis, Black Velvet Petunias

More new flower essences! Our construction project is on hold while we wait for supplies, so…

Italian Heirloom Flint Corn

The Flower Essence Repertory, by Patricia Kaminski and Richard Katz, has an excellent description of Corn flower essence, Zea mays. Their Corn essence is characterized by the need of the soul to adjust to physical form to express through our limited Earthly vehicles.

Spray of golden red brown corn tassel

This Flint Corn flower essence is essentially similar, with an orientation towards nourishing the star-being, the infinite consciousness that the soul is. Those with strong resonance with the star realms, with former existences from non-corporeal planes of being, “home base” being somewhere other than Earth–may have difficulties with some basic requirements of Earthly form, such as ingesting food: absorbing Earthly life forms to nourish their own Earthly body.

Corn is not an entirely Earthly life form. Like many human lineages, Corn is a combination of Earthly life and the star-beings gift of extraterrestrial design. Corn originated in the Americas, where it was the most important staple of most of the indigenous peoples. It has existed for some 30,000 years in association with shamanic cultures in which individuals routinely travelled beyond Earth, the material plane, and our solar system.

In its young stages, corn kernels are milky. As it matures it becomes more starchy and dry, which is a valuable property for storage and culinary versatility. So it nourishes the soul with the milky liquid of the Milky Way, and then nourishes the body with Earth-embodied qualities of time and space.

We–Earth and the humans on it–are undergoing an evolutionary transition together. We are stepping into galactic consciousness, Earth and humans hand in hand. Corn flower essence assists us in being the bridge connecting Earth and cosmos, by nourishing the starry beings who have come to Earth to bring this transition about.

Earth energies currently are densely material. To a cosmic being, Earthly life is incredibly slow, ponderous, limited. These ultra dense, slow frequencies are challenging to beings from the star realms. Flint Corn essence supports the soul in maintaining sources of nourishment in both the starry realms and the Earthly.

Moonbeam Coreopsis

Bright yellow Coreopsis Moonbeam flower

Another extraterrestrial flower essence! Moonlight is reflected sunlight. This flower essence supports the inner illumination of being and body by the solar Self, from within our core self, our source. Most of us are oriented towards the exterior lights of other people, created reality, and our mental interpretations of who we are or need to be to fit into that external reality. We project our solar selves outward onto others and the world, creating even more of this dense appearance of external reality.

Moonbeam Coreopsis flower essence reorients the solar self, the perception, the awareness from outer to inner source illumination. It has a soft, golden, penetrating quality that is calm, present, numinous.

Black Velvet Petunia            

This is an awesomely dark flower, intensely purple, appearing black in most lights. The deeply fluted trumpet form and velvety texture create a shaded depth that pulls in light and vision where it disappears.

Petunia flower essences resonate with the throat center, the voice, the expression of self. The color of the flower adds complexity. This very dark color resonates also with the sacral chakra, deep in the belly, the center that generates creativity including reproduction, sexuality.

Black Velvet Petunia flower essence addresses the state where despair is welcomed, where despair feels like comfort, softly sinking into it deeper, deeper. The sacral and throat centers both have strong affinities with the astral: the sacral through the emotional energies it generates and uses to sense and connect with others; and the throat through the use of the will carried on the voice to control others, and the throat’s manifesting capacity to create realities. When we sink ourselves deep in our own will, our own creations, we lose perspective and connection. We’re lost in our own illusion. The Black Velvet Petunia flower essence allows the fecund space of despair in which a new expression, a new creation arises. This is every sort of creative despair: despair at infertility, despair at attracting a mate for the soul, despair at sexual potency, poverty and other failures of abundance, of thriving, despair at life itself having run out of perceived possibilities. The mind running out, finding only the walls it has built.

Black Velvet Tiger Petunia

This is a color variant of Black Velvet Petunia in which golden rays emanate from the throat of the blossom.

2 blossoms float on water in a clear bowl: intense dark purple fluted petals form a deep funnel-shaped flower with gold rays emanating from the throat

In the dark night of despair, the sun flares forth with new light, new possibility. Renewal!

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