New Flower Essence: Blue Passionflower

Passiflora caerulea is the most otherworldly blossom I’ve seen. The first time my vine bloomed and I attuned to it, I had an intense experience, with powerful sensations in my heart chakra. What came to me in that initial contact with the deva was a profound connection to Source. The gesture of the stiff central shaft felt like a spear piercing my heart direct from spirit, like the Centaur Hylonome’s anguish when her beloved is killed–so extreme she drives herself onto the same spear.

Astrologically Hylonome is the place in the chart where we’ve become agonizingly separated from whatever represents that ultimate connection, whether a person, place, something else in life, or what represents the connection to spirit such as religious faith. This is the deep pain Blue Passionflower essence heals. It assists in recognizing our choice to experience this apparent separation, when of course we can never actually be separate. We can acknowledge our creation of this illusion rather than continue to believe suffering is real.

The essence brings the experience of increasing unity with Source. Another gesture of the blossom is the space created by its structure, which represents incarnation, embodiment. Our big challenge here on Earth now is to simultaneously experience the reality of our infinite divine beingness while in human form. This is what this flower is all about.

So first there’s a clearing and healing of shock, trauma, pain, all the feelings of that separation. The deva is enthusiastic in digging into the healing work, with love for life as an opportunity for spiritual development. Just ask and be willing to let go of ego and attachments. The flower essence carries a deep, strong-acting vibration for core, heart and connection issues/barriers. There’s an affinity for the mental and causal bodies.

The second time I made the essence I had another extraordinary experience, more focused on knowledge and understanding of blocks to unity with Source. The deva showed me how our bodies are energetic fractals of our solar system, with each organ, system, gland, etc. resonating with a planet or other celestial body, in an exquisite, moment-by-moment ballet of time and space.

This was awesome, but the crux of why I needed to be shown this is because I learned I’d been a Vedic astrologer in six lifetimes, and had a pile of residual judgements from those about my current horoscope. Yikes! My cellular memories of those lives coming into my subconscious with nasty points of view about my “afflicted” planets had disrupted my health. Zap–gone! So cool.

This other-dimensional tour of my chart included seeing how squares are bases of a pyramid with its apex in a higher dimension. So it may look “hard” in our 3D worldview, but actually where we aren’t so equipped to see, there’s an amazing unity and power.

I was also blessed with the message that the myriad newly discovered objects in our outer solar system, from Chiron way out beyond Sedna, are extra-dimensional capacities of our infinite beingness, and attempts to force them into the sort of mental-emotional polarized modes as the inner planets is misguided. They are way different.

Another wonderful healing ability of the Blue Passionflower essence is in soul retrieval. What the deva showed me was how I’d left scraps of my soul-stuff all over the universe and other universes, and other dimensions, wherever I’d believed I “owed” help. The gesture of the central pillar of the blossom, and all those wildly fringed edges, is of gathering those soul energies into the center, the Me, which is not my mind, or awareness, or even consciousness, but the conduit between Source-Spirit-Self-in-body. (Anyone else notice a distinct lack of words for these sorts of things?)

Finally, when I actually got around to sampling the completed essence, a lovely relaxed feeling came over me for about 10 minutes or so, almost a drowsiness. Passionflower herb of course is an excellent relaxer and sleep inducer.

Blessed be the flowers….          

Passiflora caerulea, Blue PassionflowerBlue Passionflower

The 2 Codes!

The Healing Code by Alexander Loyd & Ben Jonson is the clearest articulation of the healing problem most of us have that I’ve encountered. In 7 steps, each backed with grounded research, the authors build the case for the roadblock we modern humans are confronted with. I’ll paraphrase to elucidate this post: when the subconscious and conscious aren’t aligned, the subconscious rules.

The subconscious is the body, the heart especially, and our cellular memories extending back through our entire life, ancestors, and past lives. When there are “wrong beliefs” here, that is, beliefs that aren’t true in terms of how the universe actually is, they disrupt the  health of the body by creating stress, which, over time, creates dis-ease of some sort.

With my Moon, Mars, and some other bodies intercepted in the 12th house, I have a lot of subconsious stress. Over decades of intuitive and healing work, I’ve uncovered a lot of trauma from this and other lives. I’ve worked with this in many ways, and had relief in many ways. However, my body still rejected most foods, chemicals, EMFs, and various other things. The best I could come to seemed to be an accomodation to my body’s needs.

Discovering The Emotion Code (Bradley Nelson) a little over a year ago gave me yet another new tool. I love this method; it’s fast, effective, and fairly simple to learn and use. I used this intensively for months, and the stress reduction was signifigant. My mind became very quiet much of the time. I’ve described the equation system I use for this in an earlier post. I started this with organs, glands, body systems, then moved into situational equations. Whenever I composed an equation about consciousness itself, I found that when I reached 100%, there would be a noticeable shift: in my perceptions, mental clarity, perspective, or simply lightness and freedom in my body.

Last week, while reading The Healing Code, it occurred to me to compose this equation: How much of my subconscious is allowing Truth? I began somewhere in the 30+%. I discovered clumps of certain emotions that had hardly ever come up for me. I worked on this for a couple of days.

On these same days, I was doing The Healing Code for the first time, as I had just learned how. Not at the same time! as the Emotion Code; alternating them. I was very impressed with the Healing Code–the first evening, I did it twice, and after the second time, I couldn’t remember what I was doing it about! This also happened the next day, and the next. It was only taking 2 sessions at the most, sometimes only a single session, to clear these deeply troubling childhood memories of the most intense emotions associated with them. These are events I’d worked on variously for years with therapy, TAT, trance healing, journaling, etc. They didn’t bother me consciously much, but when they were triggered by situations, like my cat getting very sick last summer, my stress levels would skyrocket, and my health would nosedive.

Back to the Emotion Code equation: around 80%, I began to go in and out of consciousness–dozing off, I thought at first. Each time I came around, I’d sleepily test for another emotion, clear it, and conk out again. After this occurred a few times, I caught on that this was not just a nap. Something else was happening: there was a profound relaxation in my body, a sense of deep peace, and a sort of pulsation of intense well being.  When I opened my eyes, there seemed to be a golden glowing quality to everything.

I confess I am a little fuzzy on the details, even though this was only a few days ago. I got to 100%, and felt amazing. I confess I was almost reluctant to finish–what if this wonderful feeling went away? I had the sense that it wouldn’t though, not from finishing. There wasn’t much effect on my conscious mind–this was all my body. I wondered if this was simply the effect of clearing stress–like how great it feels to rest after climbing a steep hill–what if my body had been working so hard that now it could rest it was just purring this way out of sheer relief?

I figured if that was the case, then it was bound to fade naturally anyway, so I might as well start the next equation: How much of my conscious mind is allowing Truth? That was 50+%. I wondered if something similar might happen when I reached 80%, and yes, happily I can tell you yes, yes yes!! (Every day, I check to see if my conscious mind is still 100% allowing Truth, and find that it isn’t quite–up to 4% slippage occurs daily, easily corrected. My subconscious has remained at 100%.)

Currently, despite the usual aches and pains from sitting, there is a consistent new level of feeling good in my body, relaxed in my mind, happy and at peace in my heart. After reaching 100% with the conscious mind equation, I noticed that the wonderful feeling went away every time I opened my eyes. After experimenting (rather briefly) with keeping my eyes closed most of the time, I started a new equation: How much do my eyes allow Truth? I haven’t finished this one yet. I have 2 more lined up: my heart, and my voice.

I’ve done the Healing Code 3 or 4 times a day during this process. The trend here is towards increasingly profound “Truth Statements,” the phrases I focus on during the hand positions. These tend to pulsate, too, and sorry, I wish I could remember them! They come to me and then they’re gone when I’m done the session. Words like “infinite” “love” “truth” “light” appear prominently. There’s a sense of being shown what is real and true. Pretty amazing states of spiritual unity, understanding on a Higher Self level.

I am loving this.


Access Bars Class

I hosted a Bars class! Five friends, three tables and two teachers in my living room. By the end of the day the energy was high and clear.

I’ve been learning some Access tools, processes, and how to apply them since November. Some of this is a real brain scrambler–or unscrambler :-). Depends on my point of view.

Always the synthesist and experimenter, I’ve tried combining Access with other modalities. Running questions and clearing statements while holding the TAT position is very effective. (See if you aren’t familiar with the Tapas Accupressure Technique.)

This morning I tried combining the Emotion Code (Bradley Nelson’s wonderful magnet technique–see YouTube), with the basic Access tools of “Who does this belong to?” and “The truth makes you feel lighter, a lie will make you feel heavier.”

I like setting up a simple percentage statement wth the Emotion Code. Ask a question like “How much am I allowing myself to experience pure gratitude?” and then muscle testing to get the percentage. Say that was 55%. Then I muscle test on the Emotion Code chart asking “What is contributing to that other 45%?” I release that trapped emotion, circuitry imbalance, psychic trauma or whatever it was, and retest, now maybe getting 57%.

This may sound tedious, and sometimes it is (especially when you start really low like 2%! lol), but the results speak for themselves. I don’t know of any other technique that so reliably, easily and quickly releases unconscious or invisible emotions and traumas. As someone with Moon in the 12th house this is huge.

(Btw, you can also go downwards, reducing a negative to 0%. I picked this up from a couple of sessions I did with Brenda Lainof, a certified Emotion Code practitioner (which I am not). She uses this percentage method on organs and body systems. I got all mine I could think of to 100% functionality, and then I did my cat (who was diagnosed with chronic renal failure in September), and we are both much healthier, but not at 100%….hm, maybe I can try that!)

This morning I worked with one of the basics of Access, self-judgement. I found I was 9% judging me. That didn’t take long to release, suspiciously….so I tested if I had secret or hidden self-judgement and there was 37%. I was going along on that, finding 1 or 2 of various emotions, when I started getting dozens of the same emotion: 48 helplessness, 68 vulnerability, and like that. So I started asking “Does any of this belong to someone else?” and “Does all of this belong to me?” and noticing the lighter/heavier response in my body. (I learned just the other day, from one of Dain Heer’s mini-videos, that the heavy feeling isn’t always a weight-heavy but can also be an ick-twist-heavy. Thanks for clearing that up for me, Dain.)

This isn’t the first time I’ve tried this, and, as in the past, only a couple or so of the pile of emotions came off when I retested. But this time I tried something new with my awareness–which is so expanded from the Bars class! (Yes!!) I went in back, or maybe underneath, the emotions themselves, to the points of view supporting/holding them in place. Bingo–more came off.

I realized this is like another Access tool, the IPOV–Interesting Point of View. This is where for any point of view you are holding, you kind of step away from it and think “Interesting point of view that I have that point of view.” Then you step away from that one and do the same thing. Pretty soon you’ve either released the whole thing or spaced it out and moved on.

Back at the piles of emotions: I was stepping back and back, running the Access clearing statement each time on my points of view that were holding the emotions that were someone else’s, retesting, asking again if this was someone else’s, sending those back to sender with all the consciousness of the universe attached (which I recognized for the first time is also all the potency of the universe, all the love in the universe, etc), running the clearing statement on the points of view holding the next layer in place, releasing those, and wow! I was amazed that I had released a pile of emotions without having to use the magnet!

How does it feel to get to 0% or 100% on a question? It feels lighter, freer, more spacious. It feels really really nice. When I got to 2% on self-judgement, my body heaved a couple of deep sighs and relaxed in a profound way. I just lay there for a bit. Then I went to that last 2%, which was 2 little prides.

Besides the obvious benefits (!!!) of this reduction in self-imposed stress, one of the very cool things about addressing and healing questions like this is that the process uncovers and heals old traumas. One of the piles that I released this morning was 30 prenatal shock. I’d found some other prenatal shock in working with the Emotion Code, but this was the most I’d ever found, and had the most healing effect when released. Our trapped emotions are so entangled with other emotions, and our points of view, and all sorts of other stuff, that they are uncovered and released in their own organic way. By following my awareness of the energy I ask the questions that have the energy, and so, who knew? get this wonder-full result.




Releasing Inherited Stuff

This came to me today:

Imagine your grandparents (picture them how they come to you, even if you never knew them), each holding a pencil. Then imagine your parents coming and helping their parents hold the pencils. Enter the picture yourself, and hold all of the pencils.

Now your grandparents let go of their ends of the pencils, and walk away. You and your parents are holding the pencils.

Now your parents let go of the pencils, and walk away. You are now holding all of the pencils.

Notice your awareness of this: any feelings, sensations, emotions.

You Now have the choice and the power to let go of all of the pencils.

Do you hear the sound of pencils clattering on the floor?

Notice if you are still holding any pencils. Notice your awareness of that: any thoughts, feelings, sensations, emotions.

Consider this: a pencil is a tool for conveying information. You held to the pencils and their ability to convey information because your relations were. The original creation of each pencil was unique to one of your ancestors. It was significant only to that person, who is not you. Without that person creating its significance, each pencil is meaningless, except as each new person holding it agrees to keep holding it.

Every pencil you hold to limits your life, your living, your happiness. Every fear or resistance to releasing your hold on a pencil is you resisting allowing your life to flow, and receiving your infinite beingnes.

In every Now you have the choice to release pencils.

The pencils image was inspired by Pam Houghteling’s Facilitating the Earth telecall, in which she described this picture. I already loved pencils as this is the inconsequential object I’ve always used in the Sedona Method. What came to me the next day is that it is our ancestors who contribute the first pencils we grasp, and the role models for grasping them.

So this is a great visualization to use with my Healing Roots Flower Essence Combination.