The 2 Codes!

The Healing Code by Alexander Loyd & Ben Jonson is the clearest articulation of the healing problem most of us have that I’ve encountered. In 7 steps, each backed with grounded research, the authors build the case for the roadblock we modern humans are confronted with. I’ll paraphrase to elucidate this post: when the subconscious and conscious aren’t aligned, the subconscious rules.

The subconscious is the body, the heart especially, and our cellular memories extending back through our entire life, ancestors, and past lives. When there are “wrong beliefs” here, that is, beliefs that aren’t true in terms of how the universe actually is, they disrupt the  health of the body by creating stress, which, over time, creates dis-ease of some sort.

With my Moon, Mars, and some other bodies intercepted in the 12th house, I have a lot of subconsious stress. Over decades of intuitive and healing work, I’ve uncovered a lot of trauma from this and other lives. I’ve worked with this in many ways, and had relief in many ways. However, my body still rejected most foods, chemicals, EMFs, and various other things. The best I could come to seemed to be an accomodation to my body’s needs.

Discovering The Emotion Code (Bradley Nelson) a little over a year ago gave me yet another new tool. I love this method; it’s fast, effective, and fairly simple to learn and use. I used this intensively for months, and the stress reduction was signifigant. My mind became very quiet much of the time. I’ve described the equation system I use for this in an earlier post. I started this with organs, glands, body systems, then moved into situational equations. Whenever I composed an equation about consciousness itself, I found that when I reached 100%, there would be a noticeable shift: in my perceptions, mental clarity, perspective, or simply lightness and freedom in my body.

Last week, while reading The Healing Code, it occurred to me to compose this equation: How much of my subconscious is allowing Truth? I began somewhere in the 30+%. I discovered clumps of certain emotions that had hardly ever come up for me. I worked on this for a couple of days.

On these same days, I was doing The Healing Code for the first time, as I had just learned how. Not at the same time! as the Emotion Code; alternating them. I was very impressed with the Healing Code–the first evening, I did it twice, and after the second time, I couldn’t remember what I was doing it about! This also happened the next day, and the next. It was only taking 2 sessions at the most, sometimes only a single session, to clear these deeply troubling childhood memories of the most intense emotions associated with them. These are events I’d worked on variously for years with therapy, TAT, trance healing, journaling, etc. They didn’t bother me consciously much, but when they were triggered by situations, like my cat getting very sick last summer, my stress levels would skyrocket, and my health would nosedive.

Back to the Emotion Code equation: around 80%, I began to go in and out of consciousness–dozing off, I thought at first. Each time I came around, I’d sleepily test for another emotion, clear it, and conk out again. After this occurred a few times, I caught on that this was not just a nap. Something else was happening: there was a profound relaxation in my body, a sense of deep peace, and a sort of pulsation of intense well being.  When I opened my eyes, there seemed to be a golden glowing quality to everything.

I confess I am a little fuzzy on the details, even though this was only a few days ago. I got to 100%, and felt amazing. I confess I was almost reluctant to finish–what if this wonderful feeling went away? I had the sense that it wouldn’t though, not from finishing. There wasn’t much effect on my conscious mind–this was all my body. I wondered if this was simply the effect of clearing stress–like how great it feels to rest after climbing a steep hill–what if my body had been working so hard that now it could rest it was just purring this way out of sheer relief?

I figured if that was the case, then it was bound to fade naturally anyway, so I might as well start the next equation: How much of my conscious mind is allowing Truth? That was 50+%. I wondered if something similar might happen when I reached 80%, and yes, happily I can tell you yes, yes yes!! (Every day, I check to see if my conscious mind is still 100% allowing Truth, and find that it isn’t quite–up to 4% slippage occurs daily, easily corrected. My subconscious has remained at 100%.)

Currently, despite the usual aches and pains from sitting, there is a consistent new level of feeling good in my body, relaxed in my mind, happy and at peace in my heart. After reaching 100% with the conscious mind equation, I noticed that the wonderful feeling went away every time I opened my eyes. After experimenting (rather briefly) with keeping my eyes closed most of the time, I started a new equation: How much do my eyes allow Truth? I haven’t finished this one yet. I have 2 more lined up: my heart, and my voice.

I’ve done the Healing Code 3 or 4 times a day during this process. The trend here is towards increasingly profound “Truth Statements,” the phrases I focus on during the hand positions. These tend to pulsate, too, and sorry, I wish I could remember them! They come to me and then they’re gone when I’m done the session. Words like “infinite” “love” “truth” “light” appear prominently. There’s a sense of being shown what is real and true. Pretty amazing states of spiritual unity, understanding on a Higher Self level.

I am loving this.


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