Points of View & Memory of Water Dream

I dream there’s a sand cliff. I’m huddled at the base, hiding from something. Someone else is there. The sand is quite damp, so when 2 creatures like very furry, black, elongated kittens pop out of it, and dive into a tunnel they dig as they go, the sand stays put.

That’s the whole dream. When I have a short, vivid dream without much emotional content or story, I look at what is there. Mostly sand. Reminds me of building sand castles at the beach, how dry sand crumbles and won’t hold a shape. Wet sand holds all sorts of shapes.

Going into this, I get that water holds the sand in place, water holds memory–this is a vital function of water, for instance for making flower essences–so the informational memory of this water holds the shape of this cliff. The cliff feels like body, like form. Sand is like atoms, which aggregate into molecules which are what all material forms are made of. So forms are held together by the information around them.

Jump to Access Consciousness: “Your point of view creates your reality.” This dream for me illustrates this in a visceral as well as mental way. I really got that the information–DNA, inherited thought forms, points of view, memories, thoughts, emotions, etc.–in the water of my body actually created the structure of my body in utero, and continues to do so now.

Flower essences act on the information in our energy fields and bodies, harmonizing it, transforming it according to the intelligence of the deva of that plant. When we take flower essences with intention, their action is even more targeted, thus more effective.

A point of view is a powerful creator because it is fixed information (until awareness shifts it of course!) around which the universe must structure itself. Points of view are created by mental or emotional intent of some sort that utilizes electrical polarized energy to create a charge. The charge attaches to the information and creates the point of view.

Lots of flower essences will nullify these charged bits of information. We sure make a lot of these! Our thoughts and emotions and judgements and fears and all the rest just slap charges on events to make memories (science tells us this is how long term memories are created, by adding emotional charge to situations/events), and then we add charges to the memories every time we remember–tell that story to ourselves.

Pale grayish shelf fungus with scalloped edges

Zap! Parchment Fungus

I made 2 new fungi essences last week. The one I call Zap! Parchment Fungus, Striatum sp. I think, dissolves these polarized electrical charges. The other, which is a lot like False Turkeytail (another Striatum sp.)but not quite enough to make a positive id, I call Ears of the Forest for its evocation of the acoustical qualities of energies. This bright darkish-orange fungus, especially in its young stages, looks like cute animal ears sticking out of logs, as though the log had sprouted a bunch of ears to listen to the universe. As it matures, it flattens out a bit and gets stripes and rumples.

I’ve been learning about the difference between electrical and acoustical realities listening to Access Consciousness telecalls. One I did recently with Liam Phillips described these realities in a way that I got it. I’m quite a kinesthetic learner, so people who describe things (words is all we get in telecalls), in ways that my body relates to are more effective for me.

Here’s Ears-of-the-Forest–isn’t this one of the sweetest fungi you’ve ever seen?

cute brown shelf fungi shaped like mouse ears, with creamy edges, Ears-of-the-Forest essence


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