Red Imp Calibrachoa, Japanese Knotweed

New flower essences! Red Imp for staying cool & centered in heat. Japanese Knotweed for awareness of, and mitigating effects of surroundings, especially those sensitive to what’s going on in other dimensions.

Red Imp

Calibrachoa Cabaret Red Imp is like a diminutive petunia in form and habit, and such a hot red color I’ve never seen before in a flower. Calibrachoa, as far as I can tell, is an invented, hybridized genus. I find that plants from modern breeding often have very contemporary healing capacities. This brilliant red is slightly on the pink end of red. Note the flowers have bright gold in their centers.

Bright, hot pinkish-red flowers with bright gold throats, floating on water in a clear bowl

Think of hot things: heat waves, rage & fury, bustling kitchens, pressured sales floors, violent conflicts. Red Imp flower essence keeps us cool and calm in the midst of these.

Red Imp flower essence has another use, for those who are disconnected from earthly, animal vibrations, from the root chakra, and from embodiment. These are hot, red frequencies of energy much more dense than many souls incarnating on Earth at this time of awakening can bring themselves to resonate with. These souls may have never taken corporeal form prior to this birth. They simply don’t have the capacity to vibrate in this range. They are vegetarians and vegans. They are challenged by time and space and having a body. Red Imp flower essence assists in bridging the soul to the intensity of being in the body as a natural environment for spiritual expression with ease and joy.

Japanese Knotweed

Outside its native Japan, Japanese Knotweed, Fallopia japonica, is considered one of the most invasive plants in the world. Extremely difficult to remove once established, due to its vigor and extensive roots which can spread 23 feet, and over 9 feet deep. In Japan, it is used as food and medicine. It spread in the Americas and Europe after being planted as an ornamental. It is quite beautiful, spreading tall and wide, with large, heart-shaped leaves on gracefully drooping stems. It blooms in latest summer when few other flowers blossom. The stems are sectioned somewhat like bamboo, and the nodes between the sections is where the prolific sprays of creamy flowers form.

Japanese Knotweed flower essence addresses the effects of the multi-dimensional quantum reality in which we exist. We often experience this in our daily lives as picking up thoughts and other energies from other people and the Earth. Physics informs us that material reality is illusory, with quantum particles zipping here and there without regard to our notions of the solidity of our bodies. Likewise, emotions are energies, bodily sensations and their attendant thoughts are energies, groups have energies, words have energies, and all these energies and more are broadcast and received continuously. And that’s just our dimension!

As a culture, we are becoming more aware of how much we are affected by those around us, and how much we affect them. When we get happier, our family, neighbors, friends and co-workers also get measurably happier, and then their circle gets happier. More usually, we experience other “stuff” as fogging our awareness, bringing us down, confusing our sense of self, even causing physical pain. Japanese Knotweed flower essence helps us become aware that these perceptions are of stuff that is not ours, that our bodies can be our space, that we can make the demand not to be invaded this way.

I gave a bottle of Japanese Knotweed essence to a friend who recently learned of her capacity to create portals to other dimensions. The essence showed her unmistakably the variety and quantity of other-dimensional entities in her awareness. Much more to discover on this!

Flint Corn, Moonbeam Coreopsis, Black Velvet Petunias

More new flower essences! Our construction project is on hold while we wait for supplies, so…

Italian Heirloom Flint Corn

The Flower Essence Repertory, by Patricia Kaminski and Richard Katz, has an excellent description of Corn flower essence, Zea mays. Their Corn essence is characterized by the need of the soul to adjust to physical form to express through our limited Earthly vehicles.

Spray of golden red brown corn tassel

This Flint Corn flower essence is essentially similar, with an orientation towards nourishing the star-being, the infinite consciousness that the soul is. Those with strong resonance with the star realms, with former existences from non-corporeal planes of being, “home base” being somewhere other than Earth–may have difficulties with some basic requirements of Earthly form, such as ingesting food: absorbing Earthly life forms to nourish their own Earthly body.

Corn is not an entirely Earthly life form. Like many human lineages, Corn is a combination of Earthly life and the star-beings gift of extraterrestrial design. Corn originated in the Americas, where it was the most important staple of most of the indigenous peoples. It has existed for some 30,000 years in association with shamanic cultures in which individuals routinely travelled beyond Earth, the material plane, and our solar system.

In its young stages, corn kernels are milky. As it matures it becomes more starchy and dry, which is a valuable property for storage and culinary versatility. So it nourishes the soul with the milky liquid of the Milky Way, and then nourishes the body with Earth-embodied qualities of time and space.

We–Earth and the humans on it–are undergoing an evolutionary transition together. We are stepping into galactic consciousness, Earth and humans hand in hand. Corn flower essence assists us in being the bridge connecting Earth and cosmos, by nourishing the starry beings who have come to Earth to bring this transition about.

Earth energies currently are densely material. To a cosmic being, Earthly life is incredibly slow, ponderous, limited. These ultra dense, slow frequencies are challenging to beings from the star realms. Flint Corn essence supports the soul in maintaining sources of nourishment in both the starry realms and the Earthly.

Moonbeam Coreopsis

Bright yellow Coreopsis Moonbeam flower

Another extraterrestrial flower essence! Moonlight is reflected sunlight. This flower essence supports the inner illumination of being and body by the solar Self, from within our core self, our source. Most of us are oriented towards the exterior lights of other people, created reality, and our mental interpretations of who we are or need to be to fit into that external reality. We project our solar selves outward onto others and the world, creating even more of this dense appearance of external reality.

Moonbeam Coreopsis flower essence reorients the solar self, the perception, the awareness from outer to inner source illumination. It has a soft, golden, penetrating quality that is calm, present, numinous.

Black Velvet Petunia            

This is an awesomely dark flower, intensely purple, appearing black in most lights. The deeply fluted trumpet form and velvety texture create a shaded depth that pulls in light and vision where it disappears.

Petunia flower essences resonate with the throat center, the voice, the expression of self. The color of the flower adds complexity. This very dark color resonates also with the sacral chakra, deep in the belly, the center that generates creativity including reproduction, sexuality.

Black Velvet Petunia flower essence addresses the state where despair is welcomed, where despair feels like comfort, softly sinking into it deeper, deeper. The sacral and throat centers both have strong affinities with the astral: the sacral through the emotional energies it generates and uses to sense and connect with others; and the throat through the use of the will carried on the voice to control others, and the throat’s manifesting capacity to create realities. When we sink ourselves deep in our own will, our own creations, we lose perspective and connection. We’re lost in our own illusion. The Black Velvet Petunia flower essence allows the fecund space of despair in which a new expression, a new creation arises. This is every sort of creative despair: despair at infertility, despair at attracting a mate for the soul, despair at sexual potency, poverty and other failures of abundance, of thriving, despair at life itself having run out of perceived possibilities. The mind running out, finding only the walls it has built.

Black Velvet Tiger Petunia

This is a color variant of Black Velvet Petunia in which golden rays emanate from the throat of the blossom.

2 blossoms float on water in a clear bowl: intense dark purple fluted petals form a deep funnel-shaped flower with gold rays emanating from the throat

In the dark night of despair, the sun flares forth with new light, new possibility. Renewal!

More New Flower Essences

Great flower essence-making weather! dry, sunny…made 5 new flower essences: Cherry Tomato, 2 Nicotianas, Caraway and Piracicaba, which is a sort of Brazilian broccoli. Nature spirits love to dance in the energy above the flower essence bowls. It looks like it feels to them the way a jacuzzi feels to us, only no gravity!

Honeydrop Cherry Tomato

round, golden cherry tomato fruit

Sweetness–is life! So much of life doesn’t taste sweet though…and this flower essence throws off all that!

Nicotianas: Green & Purple

a dark, reddish-purple blossom on the left, a pale green one on the right. In the centers of the 5 petals is a well.

Nicotiana is the genus of tobacco. All these plants have the same soft, furred leaves, with the sap smelling of nicotine. Some of the flowers of the species have lovely fragrance, often in the evening.

Green Nicotiana flower essence clears blocks to communion with Earth especially on the causal level. The Earth’s vibration includes beauty, pleasure, money, and other forms of abundance and prosperity, as well as nature.  

Purple Nicotiana flower essence also clears the causal subtle body. It’s focus is spiritual limitation, blocks to realization of truth.   


This plant is a member of the umbelliferae family, related to dill, anise, fennel. The flower essence is warming to the mind, supporting an active thought process. Helpful for those with fly-away thoughts, elusive memory, difficulty grasping what’s happening either internally or externally.   


A non-heading broccoli-type vegetable from Brazil. The flower essence helps us experience loose, free change in our bodies and the structures of our lives.

Loosely flowering with soft yellow blossoms; broccoli-type vegetable from Brazil, the Piracicaba flower essence supports free change in life & bodies

New Flower Essences!

Wow! 10 new flower essences though the summer has been busy with home maintenance/improvement, drought alternating with lots of rain, and lots of energy work! I do find free days to make flower essences. Hurray! One of my most favorite activities! So here are the latest!

Feherozon Sweet Paprika Pepper

A typical white pepper flower on a modestly sized plant. The pepper fruits are a soft yellow with a sweeter, milder taste than most peppers. They ripen to red and are dried for a very sweet paprika.

soft yellow elongated pepper fruit

The essence of Feherozon Paprika Pepper brings cheerfulness, like a salsa band dancing along showering their music as bright juicy colors, invigorating rhythms, joyous songs!

Sensual Bliss Daylily

This first bloom of one of my own seedlings took my breath away when I first saw it. The petals are soft pinky-orange streaked with a lovely yellow that deepened to gold-cantaloupe as the day progressed.

the central golden-yellow core of this lovely daylily flower, with anthers bursting like a joyous fountain from broad swaths of rose-pink streaked with pale yellow and white

Daylily flower essences refresh some aspect of life each day. This one refreshes that lush, kissing feeling of falling into the pleasure of the moment. Daily refreshment of the choice to be here, be in our bodies, show up for the bliss of the Earth experience.


Blue Beech Paste Tomato

All Tomato flower essences have the capacity to throw off discordant energies, patterns, memories, programs, etc. Blue Beech has the deepest action of any tomato essence I’ve made, reaching through space, time, and other dimensions to the archetypal journey of the soul. The soul in its aspect as Seeker accumulates all sorts of spiritual baggage even while divesting itself of attachment to material baggage. Clears the crown chakra and causal body, and some of the higher subtle bodies of forms, structures, ideologies, beliefs, thoughtforms and other baggage about consciousness, spirituality, and enlightenment.

Order All My Tomato Flower Essences in one bottle


Scarlet Begonia

I was inspired to make this essence after giving my cat a similar essence from New Millennium Essences in New Zealand. Scarlet Begonia flower essence has an affinity for the kidneys, blood, and the fire element as it transforms through the meridians, organs, and liquids of the body. This essence has a potency of boosting the kidney yang in the blood and the inner heat of the kidneys. supports the integrity and coherence of the blood and kidney etheric signatures. Smooths the yang of the blood and kidneys.


Pale Lavender Yarrow 

All the yarrow flower essences repair and sheild us on the subtle energetic level. This yarrow flower begins to open a lovely lavender which pales as it continues to bloom. This essence protects, shields, repairs especially the astral subtle body. Excellent for soul repair and retrieval. Assists those with star lineage in coping with Earthly life, human emotions, and a human body.

Order All my Yarrow flower essences in one bottle


Pac Choi  

A member of the brassica family, Pac Choi has the typical bright yellow, 4-petaled blossoms that show the affinity of this family for form and structure in material existence. This marvelous flower essence facilitates shifting our form by shifting whatever holds our form in its present shape and size. Our beliefs and points of view create the physical conformation of our bodies–this essence helps us view ourselves and our bodies in a more playful way, as a child experiments and explores with shaping clay.

Wild Senna 

Bright yellow odd-looking flowers with black spots. Wild species of the traditional purgative herb senna. Purgative for the energy field and causal body. So this essence has a broad application for detoxing, deconditioning, clearing and cleansing of all sorts of old stuff from other lives as well as the present one.

Yellow Tiger Lily

Tiger Lily essences all help to resolve disparate polarities between what we think of in our modern cultures as typically masculine and typically feminine. For example, power and action are tradionally attributed to the masculine, while gentleness and nurturing to the feminine. We wish nowadays that we have moved beyond these limitations however whenever we bump up against these old inherited programs we can feel frustrated, blocked, silenced, burdened, unrecognized, imbalanced.

bright yellow lily flower, heavily speckled with dark reddish spots towards the center, with recurved petals

Yellow Tiger Lily flower essence is bright and bold, brave and bright! The clear bright yellow resonates with the solar plexus chakra and the solar forces of the Self. The essence helps this express clearly and freely by supporting the resolution of the oppositional polarities and conflicts of our upbringing, early life programs, or other human environments that limit our being who we are. Especially healing for the ways that our soul-self forces were turned inward, opposed, forced backward into suppression.

Order all my Lily flower essences in one bottle here   

Sea Pumpkin Marina di Chioggia

A rampant heirloom winter squash from Italy. I’ve never seen a squash plant produce so many flowers! They are especially rich in color and undulating in form.

golden-yellow undulating blossom with soft, expressive feeling

The essence helps us to allow the ocean of life’s possibilities to float to us all we desire. Buoyed by the playful waves of quantum entanglements we drift into the endless sea of creative action. Helpful for all sorts of manifesting including conceiving and pregancy, whether of a child or a creative project.


Thai Basil 

All the Basil essences have a cleansing and clearing effect on the sexual energies and channels. This Thai Basil has bright green leaves with darker purplish stems, and dark red-purple flower stems. The essence enhances sweetness in the sacral center, the second chakra, which is the feminine, nurturing, creative/reproductive center. Pleasure, delight, joy are our birthright here, yet many of us are limited in our capacity to experience these by past wounds and hidden hurts, secret betrayals, abandonment and so on. Thai Basil flower essence clears these old scars to free us for joy.

Order all my Basil flower essences in one bottle here   


Implant Removal

Last month I took Access Consciousness classes Bars, Foundation & Level 1. I took my oxygen tank as the classes were held in a motel. By the 5th day I was hardly using the oxy! I’ve been a virtual recluse in my home for at over 8 years, so this was a huge difference in tolerance for environments and chemicals. Interesting! Access Consciousness has worked faster and exponentially made a bigger difference than anything else I’ve applied to chemical sensitivity. It’s done more than everything else combined over 40+ years, in just a few months.

The information in the F/L1 classes is practical, fundamental and enlightening about our true nature as infinite beings, and how we limit ourselves in this reality. It’s what I’d’ve loved to have as a teenager!

As a Human Design 5/1 profile, “the Heretic Investigator” I continued to combine Access tools and information with Emotion Code methods. The Distractor Implants have been fundamental to my experience of this reality. During the class lunch breaks, I took walks behind the motel, where there were some more or less natural spaces. One area is a mature forest of locust, maple and other trees with not much understory. The ground level is an undulating green ocean of Japanese knotweed, Virginia creeper, jewelweed, poison ivy, ferns and other plants, creating a lush space. Wood thrushes, robins, mockingbirds, chipmunks and fox cubs appeared. The liquid delicious song of the wood thrush was such a contrast to the background noise from I91.

In this gorgeous space insights and visions arose. The energetic activity I’ve noticed occurring in my field when clearing something with the Access tools began to take on a semi-visual quality. Fascinating. The high vibration consciousness of the class makes everything else more clear.

Moebius strips and quantum particulates underlie the distractor implants. There’s a way to disconnect these, to break the loops of the Mobius strips. It’s like prions, the proteins that are Mad Cow disease–the proteins are the same molecular constituents as the prions; the prions are folded differently. Like origami shapes all come from a piece of paper folded in different ways. My body-mind has a cpapacity to break/rearrange these.

Then I discovered the Emotion Code method can remove the implants permanently in the usual way with this intention: “Releasing the implant of ____ from the soul.” Everything on the Emotion Code chart is a distractor implant tho not always in that exact wording.

Humanoids seem to have the implants on the soul. Humans may have them on the DNA–I’ve done a lot on my DNA already so I couldn’t tell about this, and my daughter, a humanoid and the only other person so far I’ve done this on, also had the implants on the soul. Occasionally I found an implant somewhere else in addition: a chakra, gland, subtle body, etc. The causal body was the most popular location.

Update: I’ve since discovered a variety of other implants. Most originated with what Access Consciousness calls the Galactic Federation. Most of the ones that our parents, teachers, media and so on implanted us with fall into this category. The other day I encountered one that wasn’t from the GF; it was the implant of annihilation, and the result in my soul history of a shocking experience from another universe. It was implanted in various spots around my body, subtle bodies, a chakra, a meridian, and my soul; I first encountered it in my spine.


New Flower Essence: Kangaroo Paw

I love these furry flowers! I am so happy that plants from distant lands can be bought and grown locally. How does it get any better than that?

Kangaroo Paw “Big Red Roo” is magnificent, sprawling, bold in bloom. The tubular flowers are very furry and bright red in clusters on top of a tall sturdy stem. When they open, the ends of the tubes turn into green stars.

Bright red furry tubular flowers resemble animal paws, then open as green stars. Kangaroo Paw

The essence of restoring loving-kindness to all sorts of relationships. All the behaviors, attitudes, defenses that get in the way of the flow of love are like a shell that surrounds us, separating us from others, from ourselves, and from the divine. This flower essence softens all that, as babies are soft–tender, vulnerable in the most sacred way.

Humans all have the same wishes deep down: to love and be loved without judgement, fear, conditions; to communicate telepathically, deeply knowing, with animals, plants, Earth, each other; to travel effortlessly through the ocean, the sky, interstellar space, wherever we wish to go; to experience the peace and bliss of the present moment fully. Yet we separate ourselves from ourselves, from others, from the Now, from anything and everything. All that separation creates all sorts of complexity of interactions.

This surprising flower essence eases the separations away, between people, between parts of ourselves we’ve separated from. When we can be more of ourselves, we are projecting less of what we reject onto others. When the flow of energy between people is easy, natural, soft, aware, the separations (of defenses, attitudes, arguments, criticisms and all that other stuff that we often carry around unconsciously from childhood and past relationships) don’t arise.



Venus Transit by Declination & Emo Code Continued

A few interesting things have come up around the Human Design gates. The gate where my Design Moon, and the one with Mercury, had a lot of stuff on them so–so much for the theory that turned-on gates don’t accumulate as much. Maybe the unconscious Moon–especially mine, in the 12th house–accumulate? Maybe the nervous system–Mercury–accumulates? It was quite hard to focus while I was working on the Moon gate, I kept spacing out. On the other hand, the more gates I had cleared, the less clearing the others needed. By the time I was working through the last dozen, many of them only had 2 or 3 emotions on them.

Over the weekend I took a detour from clearing every Human Design gate, to get to 100% on Receiving. The healing experience I had the week before profoundly affected everything–and it was going up and down as stuff came into my awareness and got stuck until I became conscious of the stuckness and started the receiving going on it. I figured if the receiving was more total, this would go smoother.

It did feel more powerful. Then I finished the HD gates the same day, Sunday, which was the full moon. I felt a sort of pulse coming from deep in my torso and also seemingly from the Earth, up through my feet. It felt like a strong buzz of relaxation as from drinking alcohol. Though I was alert, clear headed, and colors appeared brighter, I also felt a bit like I was moving through a dense medium. Not that there was effort, I was simply aware of the density of air.

That night I couldn’t sleep. I was just buzzing with energy. This happens sometimes during full moons that are close to natal positions, which this one wasn’t particularly, but Venus conjunct, Mars square, Vesta semi-sextile, Mercury opposing my natal Sun–but here’s the thing. The full moon was the same degree as my parallax Moon. Hm, gotta wonder!

Then there was the Venus transit of the Sun–Venus of course conjuncts the Sun by degree often. The unusual part of this transit, that astronomers get excited about, is that the 2 bodies share declination as well as degree. I used to follow the declinations of the solar system bodies. This is potent stuff. When I use declinations in clients’ charts I never fail to find powerful connections that illuminate depths invisible otherwise.

Some years ago, I prescribed for a young child with a major bedwetting problem that was totally stressing out my client, a single mom. Turns out the missing father (with addiction/boundary issues) had an extremely close conjunction by declination of Neptune with something–I forget exactly what–of the child’s. The druggie-entity-ridden astral aura (so to speak) of the dad was visiting the child at night. What 4-year old wouldn’t have a tough time with that? This jumped out in the declination charts, where I couldn’t find anything nearly so obvious in the regular charts.

Dang I wish I had declinations for Dark Moon Lilith! Oh gosh, I haven’t checked my own declinations for that full moon! Duh. You can see what sort of state I’ve been in.

Monday–day after full moon Geminii/Sagittarius, and day of the Venus transit–I pretty much stayed in bed all day. Not enough sleep, weird chills in the early morning for at least an hour, headachey/flu feeling–yuck. This also is something that happens occasionally from energy wack-o-ness. This is one (plenty more!) reason I am doing this Emotion Code clearing–clear the circuits so this wacky stuff calms down. It has to a great extent, btw. I had intense migraines for decades; haven’t had a bad one in several years. I went through a series of liver/GB meridian intensity in conjunction with vomiting out emotional/mental crap from childhood.

That left me feeling dragged out for a couple days, especially as I couldn’t sleep much the next 2 nights. Buzz buzz buzz! I was sleepy all day. Here’s the thing: body, chakras, subtle bodies, meridians, HD gates all allowing Truth 100%. Receiving 100%. Pulsing energy rising from Earth through body out crown. Very cool. Not the total illumination I’m always hoping for Big Grin! So let’s get on to something else…

Struck me that Choice is key to the health/energy stuff. All these sensitivities I’ve had–the chemicals, foods & EMFs, and since Access the judgements, thoughts, emotions of people in the vicinity not even that close it seems–have in common that somewhere in a galaxy long long ago and far far away, I got into some kind of thing about healing the universe. Rikka Zimmerman talked about this last month on her livestream Q&A: we (me and a bunch of others who took the vow to be a universal surrogate) got the truth (we have potent healing capacities) attached to a lie: by taking whatever it is out of others and processing it through our bodies, we are healing/enlightening the universe. Yes, we can heal the stuff we take out, but whoever we took it out of won’t then get the experience of having that stuff. All this done without choice at the time, for those who were getting their ignorance/illness/negativity etc sucked out; or choice for us, the healers/surrogates.

Ever since taking that vow we are stuck doing this somehow, someway. Thanks to Access Facilitator Liam Phillips, I discovered I was doing this with chemicals, sucking them out of every person and animal on Earth, and Earth itself. No wonder I got so sick after doing “Who does this belong to?” for 3 days! I concluded I wasn’t any good at doing this because I didn’t feel lighter from returning to sender, so I kept doing it. For a week. Sheesh, I got chills, fever, vomiting…ouch! Liam pointed out that when I do this, I take choice away from those I’m taking stuff out of.

Every time I get overloaded since then I sooner or later realize that I’m sucking something out of somewhere or something or someone in order to fulfill that ancient vow to heal the universe. So: Choice. It’s not like I have choice and no one else; no. Nobody has choice in this scenario. I don’t, because I don’t even realize I’m doing it. Sucks, yes?

Hard to stop ALL of this. I’ve run clearings, returned to sender, uncreated and destroyed the decisions, etc. Some improvement each time. Today I used the Emotion Code on Allowing Choice for everyone in the universe including myself. Excellent.

Ever seen a sewing basket with a bunch of different colors of thread tangled up inside? Here’s the interesting thing I experienced: it’s like my body is filled with all these sine waves (threads of different colors) tangled together, all vibrating crazily and at different orientations. It seems to me that having cleared the gates–the 64 gene codons–there is so much less craziness–noise–in the system, that I can now actually make out that there is a bunch of vibration going on. Times I’d run the magnet and this is what I’d experience.

Money was next. It jumped out at me that I’ve lived my life assuming that money comes from doing, from activity with the purpose of making money. This was programmed into me as a child: do chores=get allowance. Get babysitting job=get paid. I attempted to program my daughter this way out of a belief in its reality. Dang!

Harrison Klein says “Money follows joy.” I’m pretty sure Gary & Dain say essentially the same thing. Did I have any belief in this? Zero. 75% belief in activity makes money. Sigh. I spent a couple hours today reversing those. Then I looked at where money comes from and how much joy I experienced around those things. In retrospect I oughtn’t to be surprised that there were heart walls towards those activities. Catch-22 time.

The long and short of all this is that I feel remarkably more clear, now, though much less certain. Clearly living more in the question. This is deconstructing the old reality by releasing what is holding the points of view in place.






Receiving, DNA, Eclipse & the Moon

Awesome week here…last weekend I was playing Settlers of Catan with my husband. He has a powerful mental field–Pluto conjunct Uranus on the ascendent. For years I simply blocked this. With Access awareness, I’ve been allowing awareness of it and my reactions to it. During this game, I had this moment where I’d usually react, and I didn’t. I surrendered instead of struggling to hold my own space. As an infinite being, how could I need to hold that? I AM that! It felt so interesting to shift years of habit in a moment, and observe how it changed the interpersonal space to something new.

The next day, I listened to Panache Desai on Darius Barazandeh’s YouWealth Revolution. This was the first time I remember hearing Panache. I noted immediately how similar some of his method and language is very similar to Access Consciousness. Big difference: Panache talks about and invokes the divine. He went right to something I’d sensed in Access that was only occasionally addressed there: the “Who does this belong to?” and some other Access tools easily become deflective, which is not the Access intent, however for beginners like myself, it is so easy to slip into. Then the thought, feeling, or emotion that comes into awareness becomes Other. Panache cut through this. Receive everything, it’s all divine, anything else is less than infinite being.

I went through the initial meditation mostly aware of my resistance rising from my bones. Ok, so receive everything, be everything, sounds great, but here I am totally resisting it and I don’t know why or where it comes from or anything. Then he started taking calls. Somewhere in there, my resistance shifted. My body contorted into an energy expression I recognized from bodyworkd sessions that touched on traumatic birth. There I was all twisted up, discomfort increasing–and then–one of the callers just resonated with something I guess…something changed. I felt I was holding my infant self in a new way, receiving her, receiving me. I have no sense of how much time passed, a few more callers on the show, and somehow I was receiving everything. As if that initial experience of not being received at birth, of not receiving the world at birth, was healed.

I was receiving! For the first time truly receiving. Felt like butter melting into hot toast. Pulses of energy receiving whatever–emotions, thoughts, reactions, sensory information, other people’s thoughts and feelings, judgements and judgements on the judgements, and urges to suppress feelings, thoughts, judgements. On and on, receiving it all, all of it melting to the nothing it truly is. Infinite receiving.

Couple of days went by like this. Receiving feels amazingly good–who knew? The sense of not holding onto any of it. Of no necessity to take any of it. Just letting it all through. Being in the present, receiving the beauty of a flower, my cat, food, being with my family. Mind-ego gets so activated. Gotta get busy getting involved in this receiving thing! Figure this out, figure a way into it. Ah, mind.

Then I saw that this only happened when there was something rising into awareness from unconsciousness. This takes time, during which receiving is muffled, giving mind more space to jump in and do/analyze/react/get overwhelmed, check out. That scared me: what if this receiving was temporary and goes away? Fear! Even though I grokked it so thoroughly I’d have to make that happen; it’s not going to happen by itself!

Then today, I caught some of Jeneth Blackert’s interview with Christian Pankhurst on New Wealth Revolution. He’s talking about receiving too, just the way it feels to me! He’s been at it way longer than the less-than-a-week of yours truly, so he had some pointers. I’m going to listen to the replay.

Meanwhile, I’m still clearing the 64 Human Design gates with the Emotion Code. I’m up to gate 23 now. The switched on gates generally need a lot less clearing. I’m also listening to Jo Dunning every day. This week I’ve been doing disk 10 from the collection of 12 cds of her Tuesday night calls from some years ago. One of the processes is for activating the 64 strands of the DNA. Notice anything? After listening 3 times I made this connection: what I’m doing with the Emotion Code with the gates is essentially the same as what this energy process is clearing. Cool!

Another energy process on that Jo Dunning disk increases our capacity for light. Synchronistically, I was listening to this just prior to the solar eclipse last week that was aligned with the galactic center. A cyclic event occurring every 26,000 or so years…  Eclipses are alignments that open a sort of door for information to enter our Earthly sphere of consciousness, like getting an upgrade from the universe.

During the eclipse itself I received the awareness that this galactic light coming to Earth isn’t easy for “us”–meaning everything and every being in our solar system–to integrate. I made a lichen essence recently that helps with this, and I called on that deva to assist.

Then I received that the Moon would welcome our healing intentions. The Moon’s orbit is essentially the boundary of Earth’s etheric & astral field–the equivalent of our etheric and astral bodies–Earth’s aura. All our emotions, thoughts, beliefs and so forth have created a soup swimming around our planet, through which Moon passes like a Photoshop smudge tool. I felt it–like extreme warm humidity only liquid. Not pleasant. No wonder Moon wants a Bars session!

Moon asked for this to happen during the new moon in July, when both Moon and Sun are in Cancer, the sign Moon rules. Stay tuned for more about this. What a wild year!


Human Design & Emotion Code: Truth

I’ve been continuing to work with the Emotion Code formula I shared in my earlier post, The 2 Codes. That is the “equation” of “What percentage of (some aspect of being) is allowing Truth?” That’s Truth capitalized for the Divine Truth-Light-Love of Source.

After getting all my organs, glands, and everything else in my physical body to 100%, I also did my meridians and the Heart to Brain channel that Jo Dunning described in her Activations of Awakening initiation. Then all my chakras and subtle bodies. This was a wonderful experience of lightening, expanding possibility, and relaxing. Combined with the Access Consciousness tools of “Who does this belong to?” and “Would an infinite being choose this?” it feels like a major shift in energy, awareness and consciousness.

I started to move on to a new equation of “receiving blessings” in all these areas. Something felt unfinished, though, and it turned out to be my Human Design centers. So I did those–some heavy stuff in some of those! For those of you not familiar with Human Design, it combines planetary positions with the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching (and 64 genetic codons) to create a bodygraph of 9 energy centers. These represent dynamic processing systems of different types of energies that are in a very rough sort of way analogous to the chakras, only functioning differently. Defined centers are said to carry a consisten flow of energy unique to each person. Undefined centers are open to interaction with the energies of others and the environment, thus subject to conditioning. This is basically what we all experience in childhood: we absorb all sorts of stuff from our families and others we’re around, so it seems to be part of us, and we think it is us until we become aware it ain’t so.

By this time, I was only occasionally encountering clusters of trapped emotions of more than 3 – 5, and only one small psychic trauma, so clearing moved along pretty fast. I started back to the “receiving blessings” and again got that I wasn’t finished with the Truth!

This time, it was the Human Design gates–the energy gates in each center that correspond to the hexagrams. Yikes, I thought, 64 of these to clear? I thought of Milarepa in caves living on nettles for years and hey, we’ve got it pretty easy these days.

So I’m digging in. I’m up to gate 15, after just a few sessions. My body feels amazingly loose and light. I’m noticing a possible correspondence between gates turned on (where there’s a planet) and gates that aren’t. The latter sometimes have very low starting percentages–one was “3% allowing Truth”–and some large clumps of trapped emotion. This makes sense in that those unoccupied gates could be? would be? more susceptible to conditioning. On one of these unoccupied gates today, I encountered a clump of 56 guilt which was chunked down to 19 with several minutes of “Who does this belong to?” & “Return to sender with all the consciousness of the universe times a godzillion POC & POD.” It was mostly from my parents & grandparents.

Awesome to have these highly effective tools!

Points of View & Memory of Water Dream

I dream there’s a sand cliff. I’m huddled at the base, hiding from something. Someone else is there. The sand is quite damp, so when 2 creatures like very furry, black, elongated kittens pop out of it, and dive into a tunnel they dig as they go, the sand stays put.

That’s the whole dream. When I have a short, vivid dream without much emotional content or story, I look at what is there. Mostly sand. Reminds me of building sand castles at the beach, how dry sand crumbles and won’t hold a shape. Wet sand holds all sorts of shapes.

Going into this, I get that water holds the sand in place, water holds memory–this is a vital function of water, for instance for making flower essences–so the informational memory of this water holds the shape of this cliff. The cliff feels like body, like form. Sand is like atoms, which aggregate into molecules which are what all material forms are made of. So forms are held together by the information around them.

Jump to Access Consciousness: “Your point of view creates your reality.” This dream for me illustrates this in a visceral as well as mental way. I really got that the information–DNA, inherited thought forms, points of view, memories, thoughts, emotions, etc.–in the water of my body actually created the structure of my body in utero, and continues to do so now.

Flower essences act on the information in our energy fields and bodies, harmonizing it, transforming it according to the intelligence of the deva of that plant. When we take flower essences with intention, their action is even more targeted, thus more effective.

A point of view is a powerful creator because it is fixed information (until awareness shifts it of course!) around which the universe must structure itself. Points of view are created by mental or emotional intent of some sort that utilizes electrical polarized energy to create a charge. The charge attaches to the information and creates the point of view.

Lots of flower essences will nullify these charged bits of information. We sure make a lot of these! Our thoughts and emotions and judgements and fears and all the rest just slap charges on events to make memories (science tells us this is how long term memories are created, by adding emotional charge to situations/events), and then we add charges to the memories every time we remember–tell that story to ourselves.

Pale grayish shelf fungus with scalloped edges

Zap! Parchment Fungus

I made 2 new fungi essences last week. The one I call Zap! Parchment Fungus, Striatum sp. I think, dissolves these polarized electrical charges. The other, which is a lot like False Turkeytail (another Striatum sp.)but not quite enough to make a positive id, I call Ears of the Forest for its evocation of the acoustical qualities of energies. This bright darkish-orange fungus, especially in its young stages, looks like cute animal ears sticking out of logs, as though the log had sprouted a bunch of ears to listen to the universe. As it matures, it flattens out a bit and gets stripes and rumples.

I’ve been learning about the difference between electrical and acoustical realities listening to Access Consciousness telecalls. One I did recently with Liam Phillips described these realities in a way that I got it. I’m quite a kinesthetic learner, so people who describe things (words is all we get in telecalls), in ways that my body relates to are more effective for me.

Here’s Ears-of-the-Forest–isn’t this one of the sweetest fungi you’ve ever seen?

cute brown shelf fungi shaped like mouse ears, with creamy edges, Ears-of-the-Forest essence